Author Archives: admin
Bridges and Boardwalks
Visitors to the woods will probably have noticed that a number of new bridges and boardwalks have been installed to make walking round the wood easier, especially in the wetter months. Bridges on path alongside camp.
New path with fallen aspen leaves
With help from the Wednesday Group, we have completed the restoration of an old path linking Heather Glade down to Middle Way and Hut Glade. It passes through a dense block of aspen trees which are currently losing their leaves … Continue reading
Spring flowers
Although the bluebells have largely finished, there are still lots of flowers emerging in the wood.Red Campion Foxgloves
Work Party activities
Much of our work party activities consist of managing the growth of vegetation. This is done for several reasons. Firstly it is important to maintain public access and safety – so dangerous trees and blocked paths have priority. But in … Continue reading
On 28th August, there was a ‘first’ for the Great Wood when a wedding blessing was hosted in ‘Hut Glade’. At the critical time, the weather held off and a great time was had by all.
Heather in bloom
The heather is flowering at the moment. The large block of heather north of the car park is not very visible as there has been no cutting/flailing of the bracken this year. On the other hand, this has meant that … Continue reading
“Howard’s Way”
We have been working recently on the path that runs north from Six Ways down to Brook Glade. As the memorial bench to our late member Howard Aiken is situated at Six Ways, we have dubbed this path “Howard’s Way”. … Continue reading
Improving the west side of the Yellow Trail
The section of the Yellow trail between the two arms of Rowbourne Brook has always been very wet and muddy. In order to create more light and moving air around the area, we have completed extensive coppicing of birch and … Continue reading
New picnic table
Our new picnic table, just inside the wood, is designed for accessible use by wheelchair users.