Due to the effects of Dutch Elm disease, there have not been any large mature Elms in the woods for many decades. However, there are three areas of the wood where Elm is still vigorously regenerating, but the absence of many mature trees suggests that as the Elms reach a certain stage of maturity, they succumb to the disease. The three places are firstly the area in the NE part of the wood where Grimes Brook passes into the camp area and extending back to the NE corner of the Camp Glade, see above which shows the bushy trees as seen from the glade.
The second area is in the south-east of the wood, between the boundary and the old bridleway at the point where the bridleway turns north towards the yellow trail. There is a small entrance to the wood there and elm regeneration is occurring along that entrance path. Further back are these spindly examples which may be as far as the elms are growing.
The third area is very close to the metal gate entrance on the Ridgeway. Here there are at least two trees which are fairly mature, though slender.
Mature elms can be recognised by the characteristic asymmetrical leaf shape as it meets the stalk. Younger shoots do not seem to exhibit this feature. The double-toothed leaf edge is also noticeable here.
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