Category Archives: News
Bridges and Boardwalks
Visitors to the woods will probably have noticed that a number of new bridges and boardwalks have been installed to make walking round the wood easier, especially in the wetter months. Bridges on path alongside camp.
New path with fallen aspen leaves
With help from the Wednesday Group, we have completed the restoration of an old path linking Heather Glade down to Middle Way and Hut Glade. It passes through a dense block of aspen trees which are currently losing their leaves … Continue reading
New display board and welcome posts
Both the display boards at the wood entrances have rotted away after 11 years. A new board has now been installed and two welcome posts provided for the Carbone Hill entrance and the ‘Metal gate’ entrance on the Ridgeway.
Fungi time
It’s that time of the year when a large variety of fungi appear.
Early morning image of hare caught on trailcam
Screenshots from the Trailcam
All sorts of things can be captured on the trailcam. This sequence is from a remote location in the wood where animal trails are known to exist. As will be seen, animal tracks can eventually become footpaths and walkers and … Continue reading
Heather in Heather Glade
The block of heather after we cleared unwanted growth of birch etc.
More butterfly photos from Dee Cullen, the butterfly recorder. With a deep shadow across its wing, this Purple Hairstreak is difficult to recognise at first. A second is edge on to the camera, both feeding on young acorns, while an … Continue reading
Heather Glade
The big block of heather is currently in full flower.